Avoiding Common Mistakes in the Diamond Market: A Recipe for Success

Diamond professionals operate in a unique and highly competitive industry where knowledge and understanding of the…

πŸ“…πŸš« The Etiquette of Scheduling: Reshaping Business Requests for Meetings with Respect πŸ€πŸ’Ό

In the dynamic realm of business, scheduling meetings plays a pivotal role in forging connections and…

Should you be showcased on the WFH Outstanding Personality Wall of Fame?

Work From Home Game Changer is creating an Outstanding Personality Wall of Fame to showcase exceptional…

Have you escaped your 9-5 and created an amazing life?

Business Game Changer Magazine is updating its ground-breaking guide to stepping off the corporate hamster-wheel and…

Five changes that are needed to boost business culture in 2019

By Chris Sheppardson, CEO at EP Innovates (www.epinnovates.com) Major change is needed to repair the damage…

The Importance and Benefits of Networking For Entrepreneurs

  I would rather have titled this “The importance and benefits of networking for everyone”.Β  One…