How to MakeOver Your Life When You Work From Home in Spring

Spring is the ideal time to give your life a makeover. The natural vitamin D from sunlight boosts serotonin which is responsible for improved moods and feelings of happiness.

With the winter blues behind us, I’ve put together some tips on how you can makeover your life this spring, all with minimum effort.

  1. Bring the Outside In

With glorious weather forecast it makes sense to extend your home into the garden. The garden is often neglected by many, making it an uncomfortable place to relax in. Invest in some luxury garden furniture, a patio heater and some citronella, so you can enjoy the garden as an extension of your home. You may also benefit from a parasol, to help keep harmful UV rays at bay and a permanent barbecue feature will ensure there’s always somewhere to entertain. Once you’ve perfected your outdoor space you can even use it as a home office.

  1. Hand Over Your Paperwork

Few people enjoy filling in tax returns and organising their accounts. The thought of this can weigh heavily as it’s a task that’s delayed again and again. Hand over your accounts to someone who loves to take on this task. Free yourself some time and benefit from real financial advice. You may find you’re entitled to a tax rebate, or you could discover ways to save for that dream holiday.

  1. Give Something Up – Easily

Giving something up, be it chocolate or cigarettes, needn’t be difficult anymore. This is because there are millions of products on the market to help you to easily move on from substances, which could be damaging to your health. For instance, Blacknote provide real tobacco juice for vaping, which contains the strength of nicotine you need to wean off the dreaded weed. Products like Slissie, the sweet craving eliminator, hence making it easy to ditch the sweet treats. You can inhale the Slissie at your desk as you work, making it a great snack alternative.

  1. Get Out More

The best way to take advantage of spring is to enjoy it in all its glorious splendour. It can be difficult to get out when there are small children or other responsibilities to be taken care of. Working from home, we rarely have time for ourselves, as when we finish, we give our time to someone else. Consider a Close baby carrier for a young one, which will enable you to enjoy the public pathways of England without the use of a pushchair or pram. You can also add a baby seat to a bicycle until your little ones learn to ride their own bikes. There really is no need for an expensive gym membership as no matter where you live in the UK, there’s a national park not far away.

We’re lucky in Britain as we get to enjoy the changing four seasons in all their glory. From the crisp leaves of autumn to the frost in winter and the floral triumph of summer. Spring is, without a doubt, my favourite season of the year. This is because it holds so much promise and makes me think that life’s potential is limitless.

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