Why email marketing isn’t something to “shrug” off

Do you use email marketing? If you shook your head and thought, “Another thing that I have to do”, then let me explain why you shouldn’t shrug it off just yet. Email marketing can be such a powerful tool and it’s important that you look at building your list, because it’s the only guaranteed way to show up in your target audiences line of vision.

While open rates aren’t something that you can count on thanks to the changes iOS made. However, click rates are still a great tool to use and observe the content that is creating engagement and conversions. Average click rates are 2% however if you write content that is meaningful and engaging to your audience, you can see click rates much higher. For example, I have a client who received a click rate of 16.2% from one email (and their list had not been emailed for almost 4months!) To get that number of clicks, and sit at the average, they would need a list size of 20k (their list is 2k).

Still thinking you shouldn’t make time for email? Then read on for simple, yet effective ways to make email marketing work for your business, and get some amazing results.

Lead Generation

Email can be a great way to funnel people into your offer ecosystem with minimal effort. Most will create a free item (aka a lead magnet) that people will drop their name and email in for you, and this will then add them to your list. You can then get to know their pain and pleasure points a little better, based on what items they are interested in before putting them into an email sequence/automation that will funnel them to the next paid offer.


I highly suggest using segmenting for your list early on, so you can work out who wants what and you can tailor your emails to those on the varied segments. Segmenting is a powerful tool which means that people in your list are getting what they actually want to read. And this means that they are more likely to convert. Find out how often they want to receive emails (I love to ask if they want weekly, fortnightly or monthly emails) and then based on what they click on when you do send emails, use this to create tags and assist in segmenting more. For example, if they click on the cameras then you can send them emails about tips of using said camera. Make sense?

Ask for Replies

Let me make this one really clear though, only do this if you have the capacity to reply back! You might ask a question, their favourite ice cream flavour or how they start their morning, but this then becomes information that you can use to segment and target more effectively with your emails, because you are getting to know your audience better. And if they see that you’re really speaking to them, then you are instantly building up your KLT (Know, Like and Trust factor with them).

So, don’t shrug off email marketing because “no one” opens emails these days. They do, and this is one of the most direct ways to have your business appear in their feed (because you’re not contending with any algorithms).

~Business Game Changer Special Promotion~

Which of the three above are you going to implement in your business today?


By Carly Smith 

Carly is the brains behind Socially Graceful, where she creates EPIC results for your business when it comes to social media and email marketing, thanks to the digital marketing strategy she develops. Want to work with her? Find out more information here: https://www.sociallygraceful.com.au/

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