Men – Get In Touch With Your Divine Feminine



We live in a world designed for the purpose of expansion and in this world expansion is the by-product of contrast.  The contrast means polar energies.  In this case we are talking about the polar energies of feminine energy and its usefulness when worked in alignment with masculine energy.  A human being’s Consciousness is comprised of both of these energies.

Yin & Yang

Have you achieved what the world would say is success and yet still feel some emptiness and disappointment that there was no lasting state of euphoria and triumph?  Have you felt isolated and alone on your journey to success?  Has your ego had you feeling like whatever you do is not enough?  Are you never content?

Tapping into your divine feminine will assist you in many ways – extra creativity, more emotional connection, greater compassion, more finely attuned intuition, better relationships with all the women in your life, a greater feeling of balance in life and contentment…the benefits are endless.

Increasing Your Feminine Energy Will Heal You

Regardless of whether we are male or female, we all have divine feminine and divine masculine energy within us. And it is beneficial to draw on these energies within ourselves to assist us to have a more fulfilling life.

Unfortunately, feminine energy is often regarded as the less valuable of the two energies in western society.  Masculine energy is by far the more “prized” of the two energies and it is unfortunate that is so.  Men are working more than ever and de-prioritizing their enjoyment. They achieve much but love very little.

If your life is spent predominately trying to reach an imagined finish line without taking the time to remember to feel, love, and enjoy the journey, then you will have lived an empty life with many regrets.

In reality, neither of the energies beat out the other as they are both equal and necessary. They are two halves of the same whole. They add to each other and balance each other out.

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An unbalanced masculine energy is all striving with no contentment.  Hence the stereotype of the overworked businessman with no down time comes to mind.

Men and woman have both of these energies within them, yet your environment will greatly determine which energies will tend to be expressed more in your life.  The family you are born into and the society you belong to, the schools you attend as well as religious beliefs you hold will have a huge impact on how much you express the masculine and feminine energies.

Did you grow up hearing beliefs such as “real men don’t cry”, “stand up like a man”, “nice guys finish last”, “girls are weak”, “women can’t be trusted” etc.  Do you believe it is difficult to allow the softness of receptive compassion into your life when you are expected to maintain competitive careers and positions in the work place and the world?

Do you live in an environment where the masculine energy is much more dominant and outer success and worldly achievements are valued more that intuition, where emotional expression equals weakness?  Has competition, greed for power and the need for control taken over the joy and appreciation of life?

Restoring balance in your own life is not about decreasing masculine energy while increasing feminine energy.  It is about both rising equally to power.  There is no need for struggle to gain balance and a state of harmony in your life.

You are not more powerful because someone or something else is weaker.  You are more powerful when you are expressing both sides of yourself fully.  The truth is, we enjoy freedom and we deny ourselves this freedom when we say there are things only women should do or things only men should do.

Men have very important roles such as fathers, brothers, lovers, husbands, sons, employers and leaders; often men don’t have the opportunity, emotional freedom or interest to allow themselves the benefits of having a balance between the divine feminine and masculine.

There are however some men whose lives have been transformed by the divine feminine. Tim Ward, in his book Savage Breast: One Man’s Search for the Goddess, wrote:

“Through encountering the goddess, and facing my own darkest fears of the feminine, I finally found my own centre as a man.”

The thing about life in general is that if we are committed to living the kind of life that makes us happy, we need to commit to only keeping the beliefs and practices that add to our happiness. This means that many of us will be embracing things that are traditionally seen as masculine; while others will be embracing things that are traditionally seen as feminine.

The goal as far as embracing masculine and feminine energy within us is taking the time as individuals to decide what works for us and is empowering.  We do not have to (and should not) get rid of beliefs and practices that work for us based on the fact that other people have decided it doesn’t work for them. We simply need to be very honest with ourselves about what does and does not work for us.

When you embrace your Divine Feminine you can expect greater intuition, enhanced emotional intelligence, greater sense of compassion, becoming more empathic, enhanced energy healing abilities, greater state of presence and deepening the states of allowing and no agenda. All of these benefits will assist you greatly in your business and entrepreneurial life.  You will experience greater levels of intimacy, passion, support, trust, growth, contribution, love and connection in your relationships.

The ultimate result in a relationship is where both partners can hold and own their corresponding balanced ratio of masculine and feminine energies, creating a magnetic attraction and celebration of their own uniqueness and differences.

It is critical to learn how to release outdated thinking and add new ways of thinking and acting that do support your success in business and life.

Whether you are a man looking to self-nurture and balance out his masculine, or are a woman looking to reconnect with your inner feminine more deeply here are nine suggestions to increase your feminine energy.

Divine Feminine Mindset Success Beliefs –

  1. Allow yourself to create. Women are natural creators and men can tap into that creativity by connecting to their divine feminine. When we are out of touch with divine feminine, we do not allow ourselves to create. One of the best ways to awaken your creative energies is to begin to do art. Any kind of art will benefit you as long as you enjoy it. For anyone who is particularly blocked artistically, I suggest reading a book called the Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron.
  2. Learn to self-nurture. Enjoy yourself today. Cultivate openness, love, compassion and gentleness towards the world and towards yourself. In our modern society we push ourselves so hard every day, there seems to be no room for these qualities in our lives. We are dying because of it. Our delicate biochemistry cannot keep up with what we are doing to it. It is time for a change. Remember compassion and determination can go hand in hand.
  3. Get in touch with your intuition. Listen to your emotions. Be in a receptive state of being. Receptivity means taking down those walls that you have built around yourself and allowing a state of profound openness. You will be open to new possibilities and opportunities and feel a new sense of freedom.
  4.  Be prepared to negotiate in life with an intention of a win/win outcome. Your relationships will flourish as a result of this.
  5.  Acknowledge that you have feminine and masculine energy and embrace both sides of yourself. Be proud of who you are.
  6.  Ask for help when you need it – you don’t have to do it all alone.
  7.  Reflect on women you admire and identify the qualities you find admirable and claim those qualities for yourself. Spend time with women you admire since we become like the company we keep.
  8. Learn how to transmute sexual energy. This is covered in “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill.
  9. Learn to be a more effective verbal communicator. Consider working with a coach/consultant who has mastered NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming).    Of course men have a need to relate to the sacred feminine because as we can see all around us the sad plight of a masculine energy destroying its own ecosystem, unable to even agree on the steps needed to limit global warming. If we try to change the problems with the same masculine energy that has caused the problems, we will just compound the crisis. We all need to reclaim the creative ability and transformative potential of the divine feminine, to feel her connection to the soul and the earth. Only through working together with the divine feminine can we heal and transform ourselves and the world. And this means to honour her presence within our bodies and our souls, and on Mother Earth who we walk on.

Albert Einstein

The definition of insanity is to keep doing the same things over and over again and expect a different result – Albert Einstein 



Of course men have a need to relate to the sacred feminine because as we can see all around us the sad plight of a masculine energy destroying its own ecosystem, unable to even agree on the steps needed to limit global warming. If we try to change the problems with the same masculine energy that has caused the problems, we will just compound the crisis.

We all need to reclaim the creative ability and transformative potential of the divine feminine, to feel her connection to the soul and the earth.

Only through working together with the divine feminine can we heal and transform ourselves and the world. And this means to honour her presence within our bodies and our souls, and on Mother Earth who we walk on.


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