5 ways to re-motivate yourself

If you work as an entrepreneur or on your own, it can often be hard when you lose motivation, as with no line manager to report to, it can be tempting to say ‘I’ll do it tomorrow’.

But putting things off only works for so long! You need to learn how to re-motivate yourself in those situations, so that you’re still being productive and hitting deadlines.

Whenever I’m in a slump and tending toward a bit of procrastination, these are my go-to ways to get myself back on track.

  1. Go for a walk

Getting some fresh air is the solution to so many of life’s problems! Taking yourself away from your current environment is the perfect way to refresh your brain and get yourself excited to come back to your work.

  1. Ask for help

If you’ve reached a dead end and are feeling un-motivated because you’re stuck on a problem, reach out to a friend, mentor or someone whose advice you trust. Bringing in someone new will give you a fresh pair of eyes on the situation. I often like to turn to my peers to ask their opinion, as engaging with fellow professionals is a great way to be re-inspired.

  1. Remember your goals

Remind yourself why you’re doing what you’re doing and get your eyes on the prize! It’s a sure-fire way to realign yourself and keep focused on what you need to do to get where you’re aiming for.

  1. Take a break

If you need to, there’s nothing wrong with pausing on an activity in order to give your brain time to re-group.

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