Australia’s Top Ten Women in Business: Sandy Forster


Sandy Forster is an international speaker, money mindset mentor, bestselling author and multi-award-winning entrepreneur. She’s the founder of and offers the world’s leading money manifesting program for Spirit-led entrepreneurs who are ready to create a business and life they love.  She’s also the creator of The Inspired Spirit Coaching Academy where she’s trained thousands of women around the world to become certified Law of Attraction Coaches.

Named ‘Oprah’s Aussie Secret’, over 5 million people have seen, read or heard Sandy’s manifesting secrets and she’s recognized as one of the world’s leading Money Mindset experts.  Through her international bestseller How to Be Wildly Wealthy FAST, which was a winner in the recent Body-Mind-Spirit Awards of Europe, she’s introduced women from all corners of the globe to her combination of ancient and cutting-edge processes to create abundance and a life they love. An amazing achievement, but even more rewarding for Sandy as she was a single mum on welfare with $100,000 of debt, and through discovering the Law of Attraction, listening to mentors and taking inspired action, she’s transformed her life from welfare to millionaire and now loves inspiring and empowering other women to create a life of freedom and prosperity.


Nominee’s three achievements




Sandy is passionate about supporting women and after a series of live events around Australia she was able to establish Trust Banks in 3rd world countries enabling hundreds of poverty-stricken women to start their own small business. A portion of her profits have also helped build schools to educate girls in impoverished countries, taking them one step closer to living their true potential. She’s donated thousands of her books to charities, libraries and other worthwhile organizations, experiencing first hand what its like to struggle and understanding the importance of a hand up, rather than a hand-out. She’s also impacted millions of lives in over 108 countries through her courses, programs, podcasts and speaking, including regularly facilitating free money mindset sessions online accessible to women globally.



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Transforming women’s lives is the key to changing the world and at the very core of Sandy’s vision. She’s experienced the magic that happens when you change one woman’s life – many lives are transformed. She’s passionate about women in business, empowering them through her programs and seminars including Wildly Wealthy Women, an online community for entrepreneurs. She’s found the clients she works with not only grow their business for the prosperity and freedom it offers them, but for the difference they can make in others’ lives. Her graduates have grown international businesses, changed lives, supported and even started charities, written books, spoken internationally, been featured in national and international media and continue to make an impact for good around our planet.




Having dropped out of high school with no real skills, Sandy believes her journey from welfare to millionaire was made possible through inspiring stories of everyday people doing great things in the world. With this in mind, she loves to share her successes including her international bestseller How to Be Wildly Wealthy FAST which has been translated into over 10 languages and recently won the Soul-Bridge Body, Mind, Spirit Awards of Europe. She’s won a number of national and international awards including: Best Overall Business of the Year; Entrepreneur of the Year; Australian HB Business of the Year; International Mentor of the Year; Stevie Awards for Women in Business and Australian Micro Business Awards. Sandy was personally invited by Jack Canfield (mega bestselling author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series and world leader in the personal empowerment industry) to be part of the most prestigious group in the world for Transformational Leaders based in the U.S. In 2019 Sandy was then given the huge honour and privilege of founding the Association of Transformational Leaders in Australia. Uniting Australia’s leaders in the self-empowerment industry and connecting them with other world-famous authors, speakers and experts enables them all to share their magic in a bigger way, make more of a difference, impact more lives and continue to make the world a better place.

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