The metaverse and personalisation through fashion

Stefan Hauswiesner, CEO and co-founder of Reactive Reality , comments on personalisation through fashion in the…

What would a branded content campaign look like in the metaverse?

Chris Perry, Director UK of adtech platform Getfluence discusses how branded content could be a key…

Have you written a great business book between 2012 and 2022?

Business Game Changer Magazine is launching a unique series of books aimed at introducing readers to…

Why you should be watching relaxing music videos today

It has recently been discovered that music has a huge impact on our brain, and relaxing music…

Taking the Plunge

After 25 years working for world class organisations in the banking industry, Vipul Nagji took the…

How to motivate staff who are working remotely

Does anyone else feel totally drained? It’s an obvious statement to make, given everything that has…

Why email marketing isn’t something to “shrug” off

Do you use email marketing? If you shook your head and thought, “Another thing that I…

4 Pillars for Building Your Brand

What is a brand? There are many steps involved to starting a business, but the key…

Bex Harris on starting, managing and growing a business

From Idea to conception So, you think you have a great idea for a business.  You…

Why invoice financing could be the key to growing your business

When you’re starting up a business, growth is everything. But there comes a point where too…