Bex Harris on starting, managing and growing a business

From Idea to conception

So, you think you have a great idea for a business.  You have come up with a niche product or service or think you can do something different or better than an already established business.

The key to getting started is to do your research first.  Here are some quality questions to ask yourself:

  1. What is my intention with this business?
  2. Why do I think I can make this work?
  3. Who are my competitors?
  4. What can I do differently/better?
  5. What will my overheads be?

Once you have a clear understanding of these 5 questions, you are ready to get cracking and create a business plan.  Now, this doesn’t need to be lengthy or over complicated.  Use the questions as a base and work out your financials

  1. How much can you charge for your products and services?
  2. What are your overheads?
  3. How much do you need to sell to make it viable?
  4. What is my skill set?
  5. What will I need to outsource and to who?

Setting things up

If you did the above exercise well, you now feel comfortable that the business is viable and you will be able to sell your products and/or services

Next I would recommend setting up a Facebook page, Instagram and website.  This will be your sounding board to start with and creating the content will inspire the journey.  Your customers need to be able to find you and buy what you are selling.  Once you’ve set these up, start creating content.  Use these as a guide:

  1. Who are you?
  2. What are you selling?
  3. What are your values?
  4. What makes you different?

Start following accounts that you are aligned with.  Competitor businesses, potential customers, brands you admire/aspire to be like

When someone follows you back, send them a personal message.

Some accounts will ignore you, some will message back.  This is you starting to build your network (and resilience)

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Your website is essentially your shop/studio so make it look enticing and clear.  If you don’t know where to start, look up some YouTube tutorials or outsource the website to someone who knows how to create powerful content that will help sell your product.


“A comfort zone is a beautiful place but nothing ever grows there”

I put most of my success down to pushing myself out of my comfort zone.  Sure, it’s uncomfortable at first and a bit daunting but coming out the other side is exciting and exhilarating.  I make weekly lists of things I need to do and want to achieve.  I have a DMO (daily method of operation) and I do the challenging things first as they are usually the ones that will take the most time.  Leaving the easy stuff until last means my day flows better and I am more productive.

I highly recommend getting a coach or mentor or joining a group of like minded entrepreneurs at a similar part of their journey.  Their support and advice will be invaluable in the early stages of your business and you will pick up amazing tips and tricks along the way.

Podcasts and audiobooks are also a great way to learn from other entrepreneurs who have been exactly where you are now.

Like what you hear and would love to know more about what it is I do?  Then head on over to my website or Instagram and follow my journey.


By Bex Harris

About the author

My name is Bex Harris and I have a background in Event sales and Event management. I would consider myself a seasoned event professional and my expertise is mainly with expos and trade shows.  I thrive in assisting businesses reaching their potential and getting the most out of events.  I have two successful businesses and a passion for bringing brands to life.  I also love to mentor and assist startups and other business owners on their journey.

Find my businesses here

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