7 Signs You’re a Video Game Entrepreneur

Video game creators are a special breed of people with a specific set of professional and…

Why it pays to invest in your brand identity – and how to get it right

Nike. Apple. Starbucks. While all very different companies, these hugely successful multi-nationals have one thing in…

Rocketbook Everlast notebook review

Taking notes with a paper and pen may seem like something we did back in the…

Daniel Creigh: How video communications can improve productivity and reduce costs

Extreme weather events – ranging from the chill that gripped that nation earlier this year, to…

Our Story: Maxine Park of DictateNow

Today we focus on Maxine Park, a former solicitor, who in 2002 set up DictateNow, a…

Mark Geremia: Growing your business through the power of voice

There is one valuable commodity entrepreneurs need more of. And technology can play a role in…

How Brexit will impact the UK recruitment industry

With Brexit right around the corner and no deal yet in sight, many UK businesses are…

Matthew Martin: Marketing – in a world of short attention spans, VR offers something new

These days, when attention spans are short and advertisers all fight for the same disinterested audience,…

Can you write an article explaining how businesses can make marketing work?

My Entrepreneur Magazine and Media Republic are publishing a series of special features providing insight into…

Would you like to be featured in a showcase of PR or marketing excellence in property?

My Entrepreneur Magazine is producing a series of articles showcasing outstanding campaigns in PR and marketing…