Catherine Plano: Why Your Voice Matters on a Podcast

If you’re an insightful entrepreneur or a rising game changer in the business world, podcasting is the way to go.

Podcast was, is and will continue to be king, and successful individuals know that for a fact.

Easier said than done, right? I’ve been down that road and know all too well how it is to get so caught up in how to start a podcast. If you’re a recovering perfectionist like me, the process becomes even more stressful. It has to be flawless right from the get-go.

This is when my inner critic got really loud. But then I realised … it’s not about me. It’s about my tribe. I am a human being of service, providing my tribe with content that will lift their spirit.

Build your powerful ‘why’: the purpose


I created the I AM WOMAN Project podcast for women. Although we have men that listen to our show too, I had to be very clear on my tribe when I was building my avatar. The aim of the show was to celebrate and shine a light on women from across the globe. The kind of magic that will help women unleash their very own superpowers.

My big ‘why’ was to make my tribe feel like they could contribute, collaborate, create, nurture, inform and inspire each other to be the very best version of themselves that they can be.

Now, I AM WOMAN Project is a community of extraordinary women who are empowered to share their knowledge, stories, failures and ideas for a better life. Nearly 200 episodes later, we’ve been blessed with some of the biggest female entrepreneurs in the world as guests, including several of Oprah’s SuperSoul 100 teachers.


That’s the power of a purposeful ‘why’.


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Complete it with your ‘what’: name and topics

Once you have worked out your ‘why’, then it will be easy to figure out ‘what’ to podcast about. It’s directly aligned with your ‘why’. The name of your podcast and the topics you cover will be a reflection of your tribe’s needs and desires.

I’ve found that the most effective way to create valuable content is to be straightforward and actually ask your tribe what they want.

Move on to ‘who’: your podcast guests

That leads us to the heart and soul of every podcast – the guest and the thought-provoking questions you ask them. ‘Who’ can you invite that will spark a rich dialogue on the subjects that matter the most to your tribe? And what captivating questions can you address?

You know if you asked a thought-provoking question because your guest will share information that they have never spoken about in public. These are the questions you keep, the ones that flop you delete, then the rest you rotate.


Work out your ‘how’: trial and error


Catherine Plano
Catherine Plano

The last thing was to put a time on it. I aim for 30 minutes, but I am very flexible depending on the conversation and the quality of the content.

The rest of the stuff is creative and fun, like artwork and the welcome music. There is so much you can access online, which can be very technical, but it’s far from impossible. The mistakes will get you to where you need to be without taking it personally.

From my experience, what matters the most is the soul of podcasting – to be of service and create content that is king for your tribe.

Today is the day to start. What is your ‘why’ for creating the game-changing podcast you’ve always dreamed of?

By Catherine Plano

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