How to Finance Time Off from Self Employment

Being an entrepreneur is better than any other job in the world, but no one pays for sick days or time off work. No matter how well you manage your finances, a little more disposable income is always welcome, to enable you to enjoy some stress free time off.

Here are some ways you can earn an extra income while still doing your day job, to give you the much needed break you deserve.

See if you could finance that holiday without getting into debt.


Of course, EBay is an obvious choice, but with new figures revealed on EBay today showing that the average household has over £4000 worth of unwanted items in their home it is worth mentioning. Don’t stop at EBay though, try Gumtree, Preloved, Facebook listings. You’ll be surprised what you can sell online.

Matched Betting

Matched betting pits one bet against another so you’re guaranteed a profit. For instance, if we wanted to bet that it will snow on 25 December, we can also bet that it won’t. It does take a bit of skill which is why there are sites like The Sure Bettor to help you. These will find the best book keepers for you, to pitch the bets, and identify ways in which you can make the most profit. You can also do it yourself. Check out their matched betting tutorials to find out how.

Tax Refunds

In the US, every 12 months, a large proportion of the working communities receive a tax refund. Some use it to buy expensive items, others put it towards their mortgage or rent. The fact is, it’s expected. It should be here too. The reason it isn’t, is because we have to ask for the refund. This is where services like Tax Rebate Services can help. They do the paperwork and the asking, so you don’t have to. Expect that tax refund now.


You can sell your skills online, from promoting services on your social media to writing blogs as a freelance copywriter. You don’t always need qualifications as there are many marketers and freelance copywriters looking to train newbies to be part of their agencies. Check out marketplaces like Peopleperhour or Fiverr, see what skills are on offer and see if you could earn money in your spare time. If you’re more hands on, discover a marketplace like Bidvine.

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Garage Sale

Garage sales are an ideal way to make money without really lifting a finger. All you need is a garage and a sign. It saves you packing up and travelling to a car boot and saves you paying for postage when selling online. Consider a garage sale, or private car boot in your own back yard!


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