How To: Start, Manage, And Grow Your Own Business

Starting your business

First things first, don’t be afraid to start your own business. It might carry a risky reputation, but what about the rewards if you succeed?

Besides having a good business idea, the first step to starting your business is actually to start. Like with most things, starting is the hardest part. Whether it’s a restaurant or mobile app, set a date for your opening or launch and plan accordingly.

Also, don’t worry too much about making everything perfect. Nothing in this world can be perfect and nobody is immune to making mistakes. Be open to mistakes rather than scared of them.

You can trust me, I made plenty of mistakes when I first started Ling with my wife five years ago!

Managing your business

Once you’ve started your business, it’s time to manage it. If your business takes off quickly, then you might want to look into hiring someone else to help you manage the day-to-day operations.

However, if your business is slow to start, which is much more likely, then you’ll have to manage your business while working to improve and grow it. That’s why they say starting your own business is a full-time job, right? If you work for yourself then there’s no one to tell you when you’re off. So, technically, you could work all day and night on your business. But, I don’t recommend that.

Instead, have a business plan and stick to it. This will help you stay organized and keep detailed records of everything happening in your business.

The details of my business plan are always changing since I have to constantly adjust to what users want and are asking for, but the main idea is still the same as five years ago: to give people a platform to connect through language.

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Growing your business

Now that your business is up and running, what’s next? Depending on your business, there are hundreds of ways for you to grow.

As a mobile application company, it’s important for us to engage with our users as much as possible. Whether that’s through social media (Instagram, Facebook, TikTok) or user interviews. We want to know what users think of our app and how we can improve it. After all, if we don’t engage with our users, how will they know that we value their opinions and user experience?

Next, it’s important for us to find and form valuable partnerships. The right partnership can change your entire business, so seek out the right partners and appeal to them personally.

Finally, be willing to grow in more ways than you can count. Whether your business is one or ten years old, there’s always room for improvement and growth. It’s important to be open to that growth and follow it where it takes you, rather than sticking to a strict plan.

Are you still curious about how to get started? Or, are you still brainstorming business ideas? Remember, don’t overthink it!


By Simon Bacher
CEO, Co-founder, Simya Solutions



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