How to Secure the Know, Like and Trust Factor Through Your Brand and Marketing

Want to know the secret to unlocking a consistent stream of business? Who doesn’t! But how do you make it happen? Well, there are three little words that when combined together, give your brand the x-factor you need to do just that. I’m talking about regularly locking in those orders, scaling your business and ultimately getting where you want to be. So what are those three simple words I hear you ask? Well, the clue’s in the title – know, like and trust.

As a brand stylist and business coach I talk about the know, like and trust factor with my clients and audience a lot, whether that’s on a one to one basis, across my social channels, or in my free Facebook group The B Studio. Why? Because together they define the journey your audience goes on with both you and more importantly your brand.

B By Nicki Brand and Business Coach Nicki Louise James

This means that everything you put out there has to help your ideal client move from one stage to the next. Personally, as soon as I understood this and started applying the principles to my everyday brand and marketing, I noticed a real difference. That’s why I always refer back to these simple definitions to keep me on track:


They see you all the time. And more importantly, what they see is consistent.


You’re relatable and real. You are you. You don’t think you’re better than anyone else. You want to help, and they know it.


You are honest and authentic. You’re not always selling. You’re adding value and helping them be better.

The great thing about all of this is that whatever stage of your brand or business you’re at, you can always dial up the know, like and trust factor. So what I thought I’d do here is break down a few key tips to make this column as actionable as possible.

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Key Tip 1 – Know your audience
The better you understand your audience and their pain points, the more value you can add. And the more you do that, the more your ideal client will LIKE you.

Key Tip 2 – Know your brand

Knowing your audience means you can refine your niche. And then you can become the expert in that niche. Do that and your audience will TRUST you, and your brand.

Key Tip 3 – Consistency is key

Consistency never sounds exciting, does it? But it’s crucial. Show up every day, bring the energy and be consistent across every touch point. That means your logo, tone of voice, website, social media – everything. That’s how your audience gets to KNOW you.

Key Tip 4 – Show your personality

We live our brands and our businesses 24/7, so they have to look and feel like us. We need to show our personality because that’s what sets us apart. That’s our secret ingredient. It’s also a great way to make your clients LIKE you, and TRUST you, for being 100%, unapologetically, you.

Key Tip 5 – Keep it up

It can’t be a fad or a phase. You have to bring the energy and maintain the momentum forever. Keep grabbing your ideal client’s attention, keep delivering and stay consistent.

So there you have my five top tips on how you can use your brand and marketing to secure the know, like and trust factor with your audience. The hard thing is that you always need to be thinking about all three. But by getting into good habits, you can make simple changes that will have a big impact.

Now, the only question is what’s the first thing will you start implementing into your brand and marketing to secure the know, like and trust factor with your audience?

Branding and Business Coach Nicki Louise James on Media Republic

About Nicki Louise James

At 29, Nicki Louise James has achieved more than most people do in a lifetime.

She currently runs her own six-figure Brand and Business Coaching company, B by Nicki.

Specialising in helping other female business owners through a combination of strategy and branding expertise, she has already won a legion of clients thanks in part to honesty and authenticity.

Having studied Graphic Design at University, her artistic talents were recognised on graduation and by the time she was 27 she had become the Art Editor for Olive magazine.

But knowing that something was missing, Nicki launched Betty Lou, a successful wedding stationery brand in memory of her Grandma, who had previously told her she was destined for greater things.

As soon as she was able to match her earnings from the business, Nicki left her 9-5 and the long commute to Hammersmith. Not long afterwards, she launched B by Nicki.

Within nine months, she started to earn six figures and is well on her way to triple her income in 2019.

Nicki lives in Essex with her husband Rob and puppy Coco, and when not working with clients can be found enjoying shopping trips with her mum and on long walks in the country.

For more branding and business insight, you can find Nicki at her B By Nicki website HERE

or you can join her FREE Facebook group – The B Studio

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