Make Your Own Kind Of Music

Whether you are driving home or cooking dinner in the kitchen, when you listen to the words of a song, try your best to relate them to your life, because they can be very inspiring. They will provide you with the motivation and stimulation that you need to succeed.

I remember the Mama’s and Papa’s singing a song called ‘Make Your Own Kind Of Music’ which has recently been covered by Paloma Faith.

Here’s a challenge for you, play this song after reading my blog, focus on the chorus and see if you too can relate to the words;  

You’ve got to make your own kind of music

Sing your own special song

Make your own kind of music

Even if nobody else sings along.

Throughout the years, song lyrics enabled me to follow my dreams. They provided me with the drive to succeed, to go out every day and make things happen, to dream, create, believe and achieve. I never worried if others were not singing my tunes, because I was the only person who was important.

Adopting this selfish and positive mental attitude in life is the key to your success. If you think logically, what’s your alternative?

Can you imagine getting up in the morning, sitting down for breakfast, with your glass half empty, thinking about who you are going to demotivate today, what negative energy you can bring to others and what subject you should complain about?

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Of course not, yet there are so many people like this. It’s easy to blame the negative influencers and the out of control pessimistic media, but to me this isn’t a new disease.

I’ve been observing this depressing behaviour for years yet my strategy has always been consistent.

  • Remember there’s only one song worth singing, and whilst there are people out there trying to sell you down the river, always remain focused on yourself and your own goals.

 One Voice, One Desire

  • Make your own kind of music, play your own special song, sing from the highest rooftop, even if nobody else sings along.

Some people just don’t like seeing us succeed, whilst others are there to lend a hand, and the minute we make a mistake, they will be there to understand. We all have a choice regarding whom we associate with, so choose your acquaintances wisely.

The final word

My motivation for this blog came from the lyrics of just one song, so just imagine the inspiration and possibilities you can draw from multiple songs in your own music library. Surrounding yourself with encouragement and positive energy from your own special songs will unlock the door to your future success.

So what are you waiting for? Go and…….

‘Make Your Own Kind Of Music’



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