Nicki Louise James: The Importance Of Becoming Visible When Marketing Your Business

Marketing is a big word. It covers a lot of different elements. But if you really want those elements to supercharge your business, ensuring that you and your brand stand out and get noticed, then you need to get visible. It’s the fundamental game changer when it comes to growing your business.



It can take you from unknown to expert. Why? Because being visible enables you to show potential clients who you really are, and when people start to see you across multiple touchpoints, they start to recognise and remember you. They get to know the face and hear the voice behind the brand. That’s key to creating an emotional connection, and also where you start to build the famous know, like and trust factor with your audience.




Becoming visible is just like everything in business, it needs a strategy. You need a strategy. You have to work being visible into your content plans. It could be looking at what you’re offering and talking through a step by step guide of the client journey. You could look at your ideal client’s key pain points and share your knowledge and advice on how to deal with them or it could be as simple as what’s happening in your industry. But whatever you decide to do, always try to add value to your clients. If you do that, you will make them want to come back for more.




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So you have your visibility strategy locked in, but now you need to get specific on where you use it. If you’re clever, you can use several platforms to give you an advantage.


How? Well, take Facebook for example it’s great for advice and training. That’s something I try to do a lot in my free group, The B Studio. By engaging your audience in that way, you’re automatically positioning yourself as an expert, and if you go Live, Facebook will notify them. That’s a free push notification to your audience’s phone every single time!


On the flipside, when you look at Instagram, the stories feature is great for sharing behind-the-scenes content, or brand storytelling. But more than that, it’s a way to position yourself in that key real estate at the top of everyone’s feed. The algorithm changes can be tough but let’s be honest how often do you check out the latest stories before you start scrolling? I know I do it all the time.




At the top I talked about touchpoints, and visibility feeds directly into that because your social channels aren’t the only place you need to be visible. You need on-brand photography, of you. You need to network within your industry. You need to PR your business. At the end of the day, you need to be seen by as many potential clients as possible. That’s how you make it happen.


Like many things as entrepreneurs, it’s on us. We can all talk the talk about visibility but if we don’t walk the walk, it won’t make a difference. Personally, I used to have a real fear of going live and putting myself out there. I even had a nervous blink. But I knew it was something I had to do. So I embraced the fear and did it anyway. I just went for it. Now I’m visible all the time and I can honestly say it’s one of the biggest reasons I am where I am today.


The only question is when are you going to become visible?


By Nicki Louise James


About the author


At 29, Nicki Louise James has achieved more than most people do in a lifetime. She currently runs her own six-figure Brand and Business Coaching company, B by Nicki.  Specialising in helping other female business owners through a combination of strategy and branding expertise, she has already won a legion of clients thanks in part to honesty and authenticity.

Having studied Graphic Design at University, her artistic talents were recognised on graduation and by the time she was 27 she had become the Art Editor for Olive magazine. But knowing that something was missing, Nicki launched Betty Lou, a successful wedding stationery brand in memory of her Grandma, who had previously told her she was destined for greater things.

As soon as she was able to match her earnings from the business, Nicki left her 9-5 and the long commute to Hammersmith. Not long afterwards, she launched B by Nicki.  Within nine months, she started to earn six figures and is well on her way to triple her income in 2019.

Nicki lives in Essex with her husband Rob and puppy Coco, and when not working with clients can be found enjoying shopping trips with her mum and on long walks in the country.




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