Prioritising Engagement in the Post-COVID Workplace

Over the last few months, businesses have been forced into survival mode, making short term changes to their operations in response to the coronavirus pandemic. However, as restrictions across the country ease, many of these developments are triggering long-term changes to workplace practices. For example, the Office of National Statistics predicts that 50% of the UK workforce will continue to work from home post-pandemic, as businesses evaluate how to initiate remote work strategies on a permanent basis.

As these changes impact on those all-important ‘personal’ connections that underpin the world of work, businesses must rethink how they engage with customers, partners, and most of all, their own employees. Interpersonal workplace relationships are critical for getting things done, inspiring productivity and motivating employees to contribute and innovate. As such, changing the workplace as we know also means changing how we engage with people.

The value of virtual

Many enterprises are already sizing up the opportunities and benefits to be gained from permanent virtual workplace models. Global brands like Barclays and WPP, for example, are predicting how taking a more decentralised approach, one that negates the need for large numbers of people to work in big city offices, will both benefit the environment – and their bottom lines.

For others, the opportunity to try remote working policies has signposted how they can anticipate and respond to other CSR risks and responsibilities – like climate change. By making virtual working key to the organisation’s core operations, they can demonstrate how they’re helping to reduce carbon emissions generated by commuters, proving their ability to adapt fast to emerging global challenges.

Introducing new flexible working arrangements also means businesses can offer a better life-work balance for their people – and open the world of work up to previously disadvantaged population segments, like those with disabilities or caring responsibilities.

Keep cameras-on

While many employees may welcome the opportunities working remotely affords them, staying motivated and engaged depends upon them feeling confident that being out of sight does not equate to being out of mind.

Managing the morale of the remote workforce in trying times requires careful husbandry and the utilisation of new tools and techniques that can build a sense of community.

Using collaboration tools like Slack and Microsoft Teams to help people stay connected, share team wins, and recognise individuals who have gone above and beyond the call of duty is just the beginning. They have also got to grips with utilising webinars, online chat rooms and video conferencing tools to initiate virtual get togethers that build team cohesion, empowering individuals to tackle challenges and share knowledge.

A warm welcome / welcome back

Many organisations will be learning on the job when it comes to re-introducing furloughed employees back into the workplace. But the approaches they hone here will become vital in the longer term as the organisation drives ahead with virtual workforce models.

Onboarding processes and programmes will need to be fine-tuned for every type of employee: new joiners straight from further education; workers returning from maternity leave – or any new role.

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The processes will need to be streamlined, automated, repeatable and well thought out. Incorporating everything from orientation and key contact information, to precise job descriptions and e-links to background reading and training that has been selected to help each individual get up to speed fast before stepping into-role. Plus, any other content or signposting to content – like procedures that relate to their role – that will be relevant to them working productively and within corporate guidelines.

Digitalise talent development

Remote workers should rightly expect to encounter the same support and resources that office-based colleagues encounter, including having access to coaching and mentoring advice, and opportunities to frequently feedback on their employee experience.

Mastering the art of digital HR, means that learning and development will need to move with the digital times. That means having the right systems that make it easy to seamlessly serve every aspect of an employee’s needs. Everything from providing accurate and insightful performance feedback, to re-aligning learning resources in line with an individual’s learning needs or career aspirations.

Analysing data captured by these systems will enable the company to know exactly what its workforce thinks, how engaged its people are with their role or the corporate brand, and who has what skills right now. It will also enable HR teams to gain full visibility of the potential talent development opportunity – spotting and nurturing future leaders, for example – while assessing how easy it will be to evolve the current skills of the workforce to meet the predicted needs of the future.

As enterprises prepare to navigate the new world of remote working, building a virtual engagement strategy will need to be prioritised. Because the success of the workforce in relation to long term performance will ultimately depend on more than simply giving them digital devices to work with. Everything – from recruitment to learning and development and reskilling – will need to be done remotely with care, inclusion, and communication in mind, and in a structured and meaningful way.


By Liam Butler


Liam Butler, Area Vice President at SumTotal

Liam has over 15 years’ experience in the Learning and Talent Management sector, during which time he has worked on over 100 LMS & Talent Management rollouts across Europe, Middle East and Africa. Liam has a deep knowledge of Extended Enterprise Models, experience in GxP regulated businesses, and detailed domain expertise in core verticals including media, manufacturing and aviation. He is a regular speaker at industry events and contributes written articles to a variety of publications.


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