Problem with numbers? Meet our financial expert Bronwyn Lawson

Bron_Evertrue-7After 20 years of bookkeeping and small business administration, Bronwyn Lawson has seen the good, the bad, and the ugly of business account keeping and financial management. Using this depth of experience, Bronwyn now helps entrepreneurs to get their head around the numbers side of their business through her website and consultancy service: Evertrue Business Solutions.

Bronwyn’s mantra is: “numbers never lie”. The cause of a business problem, and the solution, lies in understanding what the numbers are saying. This approach has been constantly proven in Bronwyn’s experience, working with small businesses that operate in just about every industry you can think of.

As a wife, and mother of 4, living in regional Western Australia, Bronwyn enjoys the opportunity to work remotely from home, which has made it possible to maintain a healthy work/life balance. The principles of a balanced life are a significant part of Bronwyn’s methods, to achieve complete success in life.

It is now Bronwyn’s purpose to help all business owners to gain this understanding of their business, and to move forward with success and prosperity.

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