Q&A With Dovile Sinke

Q1:  Why did you decide to start a coaching business?

Over the past 4 years that I’ve been in the online world I’ve tried so many different things. Some got really successful and allowed me and my family to have the freedom we have now – live and work from anywhere in the world: Bali, Switzerland, Spain… Yet, it all took me a lot of time, money and effort to figure everything out. I want more women to reach the same freedom to travel the world, raise families and have financial stability that I have, without having to go through the same mistakes that I did. This is why I started coaching others – firstly, to help them see that this better and bigger life is possible. And secondly, to avoid the same mistakes that I did and get there way faster.  


Q2:  How does your business differentiate itself from other coaching businesses?

In my signature coaching I combine all different things that helped me move the needle in my own businesses, from mindset to messaging and strategy. I have learned not to jump on “shiny” things that you can hear so many people talk about and really dig deeper whether such a (from the outside attractive) business model would work for you and the lifestyle you are looking to create. 

I work more as a consultant with my clients – not being afraid to roll out my sleeves, give my full attention and suggest things they could improve. And finally – I’m simply being my original me – this is what makes me different from any other coach out there! 


Q3: What are the most common problems faced by women starting or running their own business and how can these problems be overcome?

  • Not being niched out enough and trying to do everything and for everybody. Especially in the beginning, it’s very important to pick one niche and position yourself as an expert in it. I always tell my clients to remember that it’s not going to be the last offer they put out there. So if one niche doesn’t work, you can always pivot. 
  • When talking to your dream clients, highlight how you solution will help to change their lives vs. simply telling them what you. For eg. if someone came to me and said: “I do social media”, I’d be like “yeh… but there are so many social media managers out there, I could probably even get one on Fiver for 100$ a month”. But if you came and told me that you will create such engaging and inspiring posts for me that my DM will be full of people messaging me and asking me how they can work with me, I’d be: “yes please, where do I sign up!”. 
  • Overthinking before they start. All we have to do is to simply create an offer that solves for tiny problem for a real human (ideally someone we know). That’s it. We don’t need to solve all possible problems in the world. 


Q4: What are the key elements of a successful business?

I always tell my clients that there are 4 main steps to any successful business: 

  1. Nailing down your niche
  2. Creating an offer 
  3. Marketing that offer
  4. Selling that offer. 

All these steps have to be in place in order for you to have a successful business. If any of the steps are missing, you won’t be able to see success. For example, I see too often people stop after the first three – they start marketing, for e.g. create a website or maybe run some Facebook ads, and think that’s it. People will find them and come. When the truth is you have to create relationships, you have to also do sales, which is the 4th step I mention. That’s particularly true when we are talking about service based businesses and going for a premium client, which is my expertise.


Q5: How should women business owners face the fear of failure?

I love quoting Brene Brown when it comes to this question: “If you have no tolerance for failure, you will not create anything new”. I think it sums it up perfectly and puts everything into perspective – failure is normal, and 

We have to understand and accept that failure is normal, it will eventually happen in one way or another during our journey. In the end, this is exactly what will make you stronger and more successful. I like to quote Brene Brown on this one:  “There is no innovation and creativity without failure. Period.”

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Q6: What three pieces of advice would you give to a woman planning to start her own business?

  1. Identify your limiting beliefs and work on them. We all have so many limiting beliefs that hold us back from starting, from showing up confidently, from believing we will find our dream clients, from charging the amount we are worth, etc. They all are just stories we tell ourselves that hold us from taking the next big step, that’s it. Nothing more. If you can – work with a mindset coach to release any blocks that you might have. This is something that has been game changing in my own journey and this is why I make sure all my clients get support from the mindset coach as well in my programs.
  2. Invest in your personal brand. It’s your biggest asset and it will be there to support you no matter what business you decide to create. Choose one or two social media channels where you will be visible and get consistent on them. Be unique, be you – everybody else is already taken. 
  3. Choose the right business strategy and do your maths when it comes to starting any business. A lot of people jump on the idea of creating a pre-recorded course that they will sell for a few hundred dollars or launching an e-shop hoping to get rich by earning 1$ margin on a product they sell. If you don’t have a strong personal brand, if you are completely new and don’t have thousands of followers that can’t wait to buy from you, it will take you ages to get the financial stability you are looking for. This is why for anyone that is starting a service based business, I strongly recommend going for a high-ticket offer that is more valuable both for your client and for you. 



Dovile Sinke is an online business coach, helping ambitious women to start and scale their service-based businesses so that they can finally enjoy more freedom in life. 3,5 years ago Dovile left her corporate career in banking & consulting in Switzerland and has today created 3 successful online businesses, and lives between Bali and Europe with her husband and a 2 year old daughter. You can follow her journey closely on Instagram @dovilesinke. 

After leaving a successful corporate career in Switzerland at Fortune 500 companies like UBS and Accenture, Dovile started building her own online empire. Today she has co-founded three successful online companies, including an affiliate marketing site working with the biggest brands in the industry, an SEO agency and a membership platform for entrepreneurial moms in Lithuania.

Over the past years Dovile built a personal brand for herself from zero and supported hundreds of female entrepreneurs seeking to shift their lives and build online income sources. In her signature method she combines personal development, success mindset, innovative marketing and business strategies to help her clients achieve results. Her goal is to show them how much is actually available for them online and that they can indeed package up their corporate experience, and start a business that replaces their current income and gives them the life they crave for. 



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2 years ago

Thanks for reaching out to share my insights! If you are interested to follow my life between Bali & Europe with a toddler & get my valuable business tips, you can find me on Instagram @dovilesinke.

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