Q&A With Lauren Grace



Q1: Why did you decide to start a coaching business?

After being made redundant in 2020 (through Covid), I decided to go fully into my mentoring business. I have always felt a calling to help people and I am passionate about business, so I realized that this was an opportunity to follow my passion. It is in my nature to encourage and support others, cheering them on, hence my business name: Rah Rah.

I am constantly learning and expanding my knowledge base, and I derive great satisfaction sharing what I learn to help others make the rest of their lives the best of their lives. Sometimes a small suggestion or a few words of support can help someone step up their game and make momentous life changes.


Q2: How does your business differentiate itself from other coaching businesses?

Rah Rah Consulting is different from other coaching businesses for numerous reasons.

My mentoring sessions encompass both business and life. I believe that if you are going to succeed in your business, you need to make sure that you’re showing up for yourself in your everyday life as well, not just at work.

I spend a lot of time working with my clients to ensure that they have a strong foundation, great habits and a positive mindset, so anything they choose to work towards and implement in their businesses can be sustainable.

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I help my clients manage their work and personal lives, and I understand this looks different for everybody. My mentorship and teachings are focus on looking at the big picture, but I pay close attention to the details, too. I make sure I understand the wants and desires of my client, so I can customize sessions and solutions specifically for them. I am also passionate about spirituality, and it is especially rewarding to serve clients that I can connect to in this capacity.


Q3: What are the most common problems faced by women starting or running their own business and how can these problems be overcome?

Many women entrepreneurs manage not only their businesses but also their households, often playing the roles of life partner and mother. The dual responsibilities of business and homelife can take their toll. Women trying to do everything for everyone usually end up putting themselves last. I believe that self-care and creating space for reflection, contemplation, and inspiration are key to combat this.

Many women struggle to be liked and approved of by others, so it’s imperative to develop a positive relationship with themselves so their self-esteem isn’t based on other people’s opinions. People are always ready to share what others should and shouldn’t do and what’s right and what’s wrong. Most women are wired to be more sensitive and empathetic, so what others think can affect them deeply. While empathy and nurturing tendencies are superpowers for women, I believe our self-worth and confidence need to come from within.

Many business owners get caught up doing jobs or tasks that aren’t moving their businesses forward or generating any real benefit, which distracts them from the work that will lead to success. It is crucial to ensure that everything they are doing is worth their time and yields a good return.

Many women struggle to find enough time to do everything they want to do in their day. A simple way to find more time is to get out of bed 15 minutes earlier. Just 15 minutes a day equates to over three days in a year!


Q4: What are the key elements of a successful business?

The key elements of a successful business are:

  • Get clear on your business vision and values
  • Know how to pivot and adapt
  • Learn and grow continuously

Get clear on your business vision and values 

Determining your business vision and values is key to making decisions that serve your business. When you know what you stand for, who you serve and what you want to bring to your customers and clients, you can make decisions that take you there. But when your vision and values aren’t clear, you can make decisions that don’t align, and this is where you can get derailed.

Know how to pivot and adapt

Knowing when and how to change is key to building a sustainable business. As a business owner, you are faced with choices, and there will be times when you make the ‘wrong’ one. If you find that the market isn’t responding, your profit margin is too low, or you haven’t found a niche to serve, you need to stop, remind yourself of your vision and values and make a different choice. No matter how far you have gone the wrong way, turn around and go back or choose a new direction entirely. Rolling with the times and seeing the trends will set your business apart and is critical for your business to succeed.

Learn and grow continuously

Continuously learning and growing are critical to business success. As a business owner, you need to be upskilling and learning to refine your processes and procedures, try new things and fast track your success. Hundreds of thousands of business owners have gone before you, and many of them have written books holding all their wisdom. To be a successful business owner, you need to keep reading and learning because that is exactly what your competition is doing.


Q5: How should women business owners face the fear of failure?

The average person thinks between 60,000 to 80,000 thoughts a day, so paying attention to the thoughts you’re telling yourself regularly is essential. We become what we think about most of the time. Fearful thoughts are usually unfounded. I love the acronym FEAR: False Evidence Appearing Real. To overcome the fear, I suggest noticing the fear, ensuring that whatever lies on the other side of fear aligns with where you want to go and who you want to be, and then doing it anyway. Allowing fear to win stops us from stepping into our power and showing up as our authentic selves. Ask yourself, what is the worst thing that could happen and then ask, what is the best?


Q6: What three pieces of advice would you give to a woman planning to start her own business?

  • Know why you’re getting into business.
  • Understand your weaknesses and your strengths.
  • Get ready to put in the work.

Know why you’re getting into business

You want to be very clear on your motivation for getting into business. It might seem glamorous being an entrepreneur and running your own business, but it is hard work. It’s very hard work, but it’s also gratifying. Knowing who you want to serve and why can help inspire you when things get tough or when things aren’t moving at the speed and in the direction you want them to.

Understand your weaknesses and your strengths

It’s important to know what you’re good at and what you need to work on. If you notice you have a particular weakness, make sure you’re learning and upskilling to get stronger at it. Once you are in a position to do so, you want to delegate or offload tasks that do not leverage off your strengths.

Get ready to put in the work

More people are taking on entrepreneurship at the moment, and there are a lot of promises out there that you’re going to succeed and you’re going to make millions of dollars with little to no effort. The fact of the matter is that business success takes time and effort. It takes a strong vision, perseverance and lots of patience. As long as you know why you’re getting into business and who you want to serve and you’re ready to put in the work, it will be an amazing experience. If nothing else, you will learn a lot about yourself and your resilience.



Lauren Grace is the owner/operator of Rah Rah Consulting. She is a business and life mentor and course creator.

Lauren is very passionate about time management, building a positive mindset and helping the people she works with live their best lives. She aims to help people love their business and life, work through (and overcome) overwhelm, anxiety and stress, and find more time for joy.

Over the past years (20+), Lauren has worked in radio, online, events, management, marketing, sales, and more and provides guidance and training around all of these topics.

Lauren is focused on providing clients with strategies, tools and resources they can use now

To see if Lauren is a good fit to work with you, set up a 15-minute clarity call here:



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