Q&A With Mary Fashanu


Q1:  Why did you decide to start a coaching business? 

I started my business for the following key reasons; first, because I wanted to make a difference in other women’s lives and businesses. Second, to inspire the sense of worth and higher calling in women – helping them discover that they are made for more and lastly, I began my business to support women in business on their entrepreneurial journey as it can be a very daunting experience navigate ones business without support – whether it be a mentor or an experienced coach.

These are things I experienced when I began my entrepreneurial journey – I almost quit because I was tired, felt lonely, didn’t really know what I was doing until I met my mentor who held my hand and gave me sense of clarity and direction and here I am thriving! So, I set up my coaching business to give other women in business the opportunity I had – to give them clarity and sense of direction in their businesses.

Q2:  How does your business differentiate itself from other coaching businesses? 


My coaching business differs from others principally because, it has me and that is my superpower. No one else can do it like I do.

Another significant difference is that Purpose is woven into my coaching style and approach. Because I believe everyone has been created for a purpose, I help my clients step into and embrace that purpose to create impact and income while leaving a lasting legacy.

These days, the coaching industry seems to focus a lot more on growing a 6, 7-figure business rather than on serving their clients and making a lasting impact. I have nothing wrong with a business attaining 6 and 7 figures, but my concern is how coaches have made money the ultimate indicator of success. Coaching is much more than earning 6 or 7 figures.

Q3: What are the most common problems faced by women starting or running their own business and how can these problems be overcome? 

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The societal bias placed on women is a common problem women face when going into business. Because you are a woman, you are expected to focus on keeping your family and making sure home is intact and if that is not the case, society blames the woman because, how dare she have a purpose and pursue that purpose.

I am a woman, I am married to an amazing man with 2 lovely girls. I have a day job as a delivery manager consultant and I am simultaneously running multiple businesses. One of my fears is that if I fail my home, I will be attacked because I was focusing too much on my career or business. Since when is running a successful home solely a woman’s responsibility?

As women, we are expected to balance it all or choose one or the other. But who said we cannot do all? I am doing it all, and that is not to say it is an easy journey but I am doing it anyway. Just because something is hard does not make it impossible and this is what I help women in business and women in general to understand.


Q4: What are the key elements of a successful business? 


I believe different business owners would have different answers to this, so I am going to share what I believe has been working for me to date:

  • God (I am a strong believer in God J)
  • Great sense of clarity
  • Sense of direction
  • Understanding of the market you are operating in
  • Understanding of niche and ideal clients
  • Using the right tools to simplify operations and to avoid burnout
  • Having a process
  • Setting boundaries
  • Being less sentimental – do not be ruled by your emotions
  • Being disciplined
  • Being agile
  • Outsource when necessary
  • Hire a coach or a mentor to guide you
  • Never stop learning


Q5: How should women business owners face the fear of failure? 


Women in business should embrace failure. This is because failure is a part of the journey to success. If you do not fail, you will not learn. Women need to have a mindset shift of their perception of failure. So what if I fail?

Failure is one learning more ways to do something better. Other practical ways to face the fear of failure are to as ask yourself the following questions:

  • What is causing you that fear of failure?
  • Why do you think you are going to fail?
  • Is it a lack of experience, lack of information, lack of confidence, lack of support and help?

Once you can pin it down, then you know how to solve the issue or know where to go to get help.  Overall, my advice is this; there is nothing to fear about failure. Have a mindset shift on your perception of failure, and see it as failing forward. Failing is a positive thing because you get to learn, and when you do, you grow.


Q6: What three pieces of advice would you give to a woman planning to start her own business? 


  • Start that business already! Progress over perfection. Many businesses stall because they want everything to be in place before starting. My advice is; don’t do that! Start with what you have and perfect it as you go along. If you have it all perfect from the onset, you leave no room to get your ideal client’s input on your business because your business is about your clients and not you.
  • Speed without direction is useless! Seek help. When you start, do not focus on trying to achieve everything fast, in a rush. You may be rushing and heading in the wrong direction, and it is better for you to move slow but in the right direction. Seek mentors’ or coaches’ help in gaining clarity and direction.
  • Give yourself time. Don’t compare your 1 year to someone’s 10 years of experience. When you are just starting, it’s easy to fall into the trap of comparing your journey with others in the industry. Give yourself time, you will get to your desire destination with the right focus and direction.


Transforming passion to profit is not a cliché with me, this is because I am a product of what I preach! As an experienced business strategist, John C Maxwell certified coach, published author of a book titled Developing Positive Mindset for Business Growth, Founder and co-founder of multiple thriving businesses, I am popularly known as the Business GPS™. I am on a mission to support entrepreneurs and service-based business owners to make an impact, grow their revenue and land clients consistently in their businesses. With a background in International Business Management, my career spans almost 10 years in Event planning, Business development consulting and coaching.

UK Black Business Guide has described me as a leading expert in my field for my results-driven approach to business transformation. I firmly believe that it is only when a business owner is clear about who they are, what they stand for, who their business is for, that they can be better positioned for business success and continuous sales.

I have used my signature Clarity To Sales™ Strategies, a proven methodology, to help over 80 business owners; gain clarity, achieve their business goals, navigate to and sustain new levels of growth, and leverage business opportunities for profit along their journey.



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2 years ago

Well done Mary .. you are a strong individual and I know U have done tremendously well in helping women set themselves up.

2 years ago

Great Q and A yay I know her

Yetunde odunfa
Yetunde odunfa
2 years ago

I love ❤ what Mary does for her clients . It’s a wonderful tips for newbie in the startup phase of building a business and an amazing 👏 walk throughout the growth phase .

2 years ago

Coach extraordinary with practical principles . Weldone Mama!

Nnamdi Osuji
2 years ago

This is very good Mary. I really like the bit about progress over perfection. It has really encouraged me and by the grace of God, I will push on to success.

Adeola Okelola
Adeola Okelola
2 years ago

Welldone Mary,you have been the only GBP business consultant ready to listen and drive the ideas. Keep going gurlll

2 years ago

Very inspiring. Thanks for sharing Mary.

Lara A
Lara A
2 years ago

Oh wow…well done Mary. I enjoyed reading that. Continue doing what you are doing because you are destined to be great. Empowering women and the young ones…love it.

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