Say hello to our new game changing columnist, Sean Toomer

Introducing Sean Toomer – an accountant but different.

If Business Game Changer magazine had been around when he was first starting out, Sean Toomer, Managing Director and Founder of Diverso Accountants, would definitely have been reading it!

Sean had wanted to be an accountant from the age of 12. At 18, he joined a small very conventional accountancy firm where he stayed for 3 years. It taught him a lot – mostly how NOT to do it! He felt that the company was more interested in profits than client satisfaction and that small businesses were frequently sidelined. Dissatisfied with his experience, but fired up with an enthusiasm and vision for how he wanted to do things, Sean left and started his own accountancy firm, SR Toomer & Co.

He was just 21 and had one client.

Over the next few years, he steadily built up his reputation and his customer-base. Talking and listening to his clients, he realized that small businesses wanted and needed an accountancy service that was specifically tailored to them. In 2015, he rebranded and relaunched his company.

Diverso is a unique accountancy practice providing that specialist focused service, that was so needed. It’s delivered by an expert dedicated team, to more than 300 small businesses.

As owner and Managing Director, Diverso is driven by Sean’s vision and commitment. Aiming to lighten the load for small companies, Diverso operates a unique business model. They are a new breed of accountants for small businesses and startups who: save you tax, make you more money, and ‘help you kick ass.’  They excel in minimising the amount of tax small businesses pay and know hundreds of ways to reduce tax. They know their clients’ businesses inside out, meaning they can help with introducing new clients and contacts, identifying new money-making opportunities, and helping with the overall strategy a business uses. A key part of Diverso’s service is offering constant advice to their clients, such as how to work on a more personal level, and how to grow from the ground up.

And don’t expect Sean and his team to be wearing suits and overwhelming you with financial jargon. He’s done away with all that! He believes that he and his team work more effectively, and his clients are more comfortable and at ease, if everyone can dress as they want and just be themselves. He is most likely to be found in shorts and a Diverso tee-shirt!

Sean’s looking forward to sharing his experience and financial expertise with small businesses, entrepreneurs, and disruptors like himself, offering money-saving advice and business growth strategies.

As Sean says, he isn’t looking to change the world, just looking to change it for small businesses.

~Business Game Changer Special Promotion~

He’s an accountant, but different.

Sean will be writing a regular column for Business Game Changer starting from next week.


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Allison Banks
Allison Banks
3 years ago

Sean and the team are down to earth and make accounting make sense!

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