Joel Turner on the evolution of video: Are you getting lost in the hype?



By 2022, Cisco predicts that video will make up 82% of all online traffic. As online video consumption rises exponentially, it is becoming an irresistible format for digital marketers. However, with such a wide range of formats and technology available, it can be difficult to know where to start.

It’s easy to be tempted into trying out all the latest innovations in video formats or technology and, while early adoption is likely to cause a stir, depending on your industry, effective use can be hard to achieve.

So, what should you be considering when thinking about adopting new video formats?


Purpose is everything


With so many video formats available, it can be easy to get caught up in the hype and forget the purpose of using video in the first place, without thinking holistically about your strategy.

Video plays a vital role in every stage of the online conversion funnel; from acquisition through to conversion. But, considering the purpose of video content and the role it fulfills for your audience in specific contexts is of primary importance and the format should always be secondary.


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The right video, at the right time


From adverts to explainers, marrying the right type of video with the right execution, the correct format and solid approach to distribution, can deliver remarkable results.

So, understanding the requirement for video should be your primary aim: what are you aiming to achieve? Who is the content aimed at? Where will it reside?

Once this has been decided, format, execution and distribution can then come into play. In the same way you can’t just build a website and expect visitors to visit, video content aimed at acquisition should always be supported by promotional budget. YouTube is a graveyard of corporate videos that have only received a handful of views because they have not been promoted any further.


Explain and persuade


According to Google, 70% of millennials watch YouTube videos to learn how to do something new, with over 50% of internet users looking for videos related to a product or service before visiting a store or buying online.

This shows how effective video can be beyond acquisition. On-site educational and explainer videos can have a powerful effect on customer buying behaviour.

These types of video are relatively low budget to create but are extremely effective for building trust in your brand, product or service, as well as helping to push people to convert by aiding understanding and providing reassurance.


Video strategy


As is often the case in marketing; tactics without strategy is never likely to be successful so taking a step back and building out your strategy is key to harnessing that promise for your brand.

There are many different video formats out there, each with their own specific use case. Product videos showcase how your products or services work, customer testimonials can deliver all important social proof and company story videos can bring brands to life.

However the strategy and purpose behind your video is just as important, if not more important, as the format. If a new technology aligns with your aims and objective, embrace it but don’t be beholden to using it. New formats provide a great opportunity if they allow you to create stronger ROI or to connect to a larger or different audience.

As you can see, videos and their range of formats can allow you to produce creative campaigns which might be impactful but will they offer sustained results?


By Joel Turner, Studio Director at Epiphany Search,





About the author 


Joel Turner is Epiphany‘s Studio Director, overseeing the business’ creative studio which covers Epiphany’s web design, development, video and content marketing output.

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