The FASTEST way to gain 1000 followers on Instagram

Real talk…

Your Instagram followers are more than just numbers.

They’re members of your online community!

And by actively growing your online community you’re helping to:

Increase the number of eyes on your content
Gain users looking at your products and services
Connecting with ideal clients and customers

Sounds excellent right?

But how do you grow your following using Instagram?

Here’s 10 ways I have actively grown both my @brookevulinovichand @socialclubcommunity Instagram accounts from scratch:

With no spamy vibes or bots needed!

1. Identified my audience
I figured out who I wanted to view my content and most importantly WHY.

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2. Posted every single day
I made sure that everrrrrry day I shared something, to remind the interweb that I exist.

(This was in the early days of my @brookevulinovich account – now I post every 3-4 days)

3. Planned my content
I plan my content using the Social Club monthly content planner to make sure I have a stockpile of content to share for those days that your brain simply can’t caption-a-make.

4. Engaged, engaged, engaged!
I spend my time effectively on the platform by connecting with other accounts and getting to know my Insta neighbourinos.

I do this for 20 mins per day by setting a timer on my phone as my daily Insta engagement time.

5. Used a variety of hashtags
Hashtags bring exposure, so I research the best ones my ideal clients would be using and searching for.

Provided quality content
I only post content that I know my audience is interested in and put a lot of research and care into creating content.   Because no one wants to see what I had for lunch lol.

7. Responded to every comment or message
I try to respond to every comment and absolutely every DM quick smart so that those engaging with my account know I appreciate it!

8. Kept it real

I know that the industry I am in can have a lot of confusing mumbo jumbo jargon, so I make sure my content is delivered in a conversational way that everyone can relate to.

9. My style is consistent
I make sure that my overall profile theme was connected by consistency across the majority of my content.  Eg: using the same fonts on my Insta Stories or my branding colours.

10. Kept it relevant
Although I plan a lot of content, I’ll quite often spontaneously post about things that are happening right meow to keep you up to date with the latest Insta trends and bombshells.



By Brooke Vulinovich

Instagram Business Coach & International Keynote Speaker

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